Monday, September 3, 2007

Girls Just Gotta Have Fun....

Amber, Molly, and Honey had a heck of a day. They spent most of their time in their mobile pen in various locations around the backyard. Joseph (the young boy across the street) came over MANY times to bring a bevy of treats....bugs and corn on the cob...not to mention fresh cinnamon muffins that his mom, Lori, made for the humans who live at 303 Williams Street! Joseph and I searched for fresh crickets for the girls, which he eventually captured and dropped into the mobile pen as "fair game."

Later in the day, Stephen suggested that we offer the girls a fresh ear of corn, which they devoured in "short order." Watch below as they enjoy each and every fresh, juicy kernel...

Tomorrow, an account of "the PERFECT gift." Stephen LOVED it...and showed it off to the neighbors this evening...more about the perfect gift in the next post!

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