Monday, June 11, 2007

From farm to our mouths in less than a day!

John Alexander and I rode to Snow Hill this afternoon and stopped at Strawberries on 903 (Renston Homestead) on the way home to see the baby goats and piggies that we saw last weekend. We bought eggplants picked this morning, blueberries, and tomatoes. A money box was sitting there on the counter. We followed the instructions on the sign... weighed the produce, put our $20 bill in the box, and made our own change....unbelievable. Steve McLawhorn (the owner of the farm) drove up on his tractor as we finished paying and we talked to him at length. The farm has been in his family for 6 generations. He said that his SWEET corn will be ready on about a week and a half! to make Eggplant Papoutzakia...p. 145 in Animal, Vegetable, Miracle! I'll let you know how it tastes!
PS...the recipe was DIVINE and took little time to prepare. It is also much healthier than the traditional Eggplant Parmiagiana. This recipe (and many others from the book) are available at


Rach said...

Wow! The honor system and it seems no one has taken advantage. I'm impressed! :o)

Meghan McLawhorn said...

I just found your blog...Steve McLawhorn is my dad, and I'm proud to be a farmer's daughter. So glad that you enjoyed our produce! Come again soon!